Welcome to the Outback ‘Safer Driving Series’

Click on the link to watch (each episode is approximately 2 mins long)

Being able to travel safely in the outback is critical where there are long distances of changing and sometimes challenging road surfaces. There is often poor or no communication and scarce emergency resources. 

If you would like to listen to these audio versions as you travel along the Sturt’s Steps Touring Route, please be sure to down load the tour before leaving mobile data availability or while you have access to WiFi.

(Each episode has been vigorously checked by the Community Safety Team at Transport for NSW but please note these videos and audio versions are for entertainment purposes only – it’s your responsibility to know the road rules, and all travel to Corner Country is at your own risk).

We would like to acknowledge the support that we have been given by the NSW Government Community Safety Team during the development of the series, and many thanks to Jason King Media, Grant Bennett, and Getabout 4WD Training Services for doing the hard yards putting the series together.

In the words of our host John Eggenhuizen, ‘Stay safe – and we’ll see you out on the road’


Travel the Corner Country region at your own risk. This information is provided in good faith. You are responsible for all choices regarding traveling our remote region. Let people know your travel plans. There is very minimal mobile coverage and GPS software may not work. The Sturt’s Steps Touring Route is not responsible for any choices you make regarding how you travel this region.

Please prepare and if you are stranded DON’T LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE.

Episode 1 – Introduction

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Episode 2 – Before you leave

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Episode 3 – Navigation and Comms. 

Episode 4 – Open | Closed Roads

Episode 5 – Driver Swap

Episode 6 – Brake Check

Episode 7 – 4WD

Episode 8 – Road Kill

Episode 9 – Tools and Spare Parts

Episode 10 – Creeks & Washouts

Episode 11 – Tyre Pressure

Episode 12 – Keeping Left

Episode 13 – Buffering & Overtaking

Episode 14 – Speed

Episode 15 – Windrows