Corner Country Safety
Outback safety is paramount in the Corner Country and along the Sturt’s Steps Touring Route. Warning: Travel our region at your own risk.
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The New South Wales Outback is a landscape of great beauty which will take your breath away with its grandeur and its rawness. It will wrap you up and persuade you to return over and over again because there is nowhere else on earth quite like it. The Sturt’s Steps Touring Route approximates the route taken by Charles Sturt’s when his Inland Expedition came into the Corner Country in 1845. It connects about 1100 kilometres of sealed and unsealed roads from Broken Hill to Milparinka, Tibooburra and Cameron Corner to create a circular touring loop and adventure experience for all visitors…more >
Outback safety is paramount in the Corner Country and along the Sturt’s Steps Touring Route. Warning: Travel our region at your own risk.
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The Corner Country is the traditional homeland of the Malyangaapa and Wadikali people whose lives were interrupted with the arrival Charles Sturt’s expedition in 1845, Burke and Wills in 1860 and the squatters who followed with their flocks of sheep.
Sturt’s JourneyCameron
Burke & WillsCameleersPastoral Histories
Cobb & CoKidmanGold Mining
This is an area of diverse and beautiful landscapes divided by the rugged Barrier and Grey Ranges. To the west lies the Simpson Strzelecki Deserts with the Bulloo overflow in the northeast and the wild deserts of the Sturt National Park.
Parks NSWWild Desert Program
LookoutsFlora & Fauna
GeologyStar Gazing
The Corner Country is the area to the extreme far north west of New South Wales, bound by the Queensland border to the north and the South Australian border to the west. These two borders, part of the great trans-continental wild dog fence, intersect at Cameron Corner.
Wild Dog FenceCameron Corner
Sturt National ParkSturt’s CairnPoole’s Grave
Royal Flying Doctor ServiceMuralsPubs
It is thought that Tibooburra meant ‘heaps of rocks’ or ‘place of stones’ in the language of the local Wangkumara and Maljangapa peoples. It is probable that the word is derived from the Wangkumara language.
Pastoral HistoryTownsPubsStays
EventsNational Parks
Sturt’s Steps is a multi-faceted project that provides visitor-experience infrastructure in the Unincorporated Area of Outback NSW. The project successfully gained substantial funding via Restart NSW and Infrastructure NSW with the support of the NSW Government.
About Sturt’s StepsTouring Route
Shelter InformationWayfinding
Visitor EconomyBranding
The Corner Country region offers a range of local artists, merchandise and experiences for any visitor to discover where you can buy online, anytime.