The Sturt’s Steps Touring Route follows the route taken by 19th-century explorer Charles Sturt when his Inland Expedition came into NSW Corner Country in 1845. The touring route connects 1100 kilometres of sealed and unsealed roads in an accessible and safe circular route from Broken Hill to Packsaddle, Milparinka, Tibooburra and Cameron Corner.

Information shelters are located along the route and downloadable apps, audio files and documentaries are available to tell the story of Sturt, the locals and other fascinating bits of information about the region and its heritage. This is an amazing region to connect with Australia’s explorer history!

Sturt’s Stories Trailer

Episode 1 – Who was Sturt?

Episode 2 – Leaving Adelaide

Episode 3 – The Inland Sea

Episode 4 – Water

Episode 5 – First Nations

Episode 6 – The Retreat

Episode 7 – Legacy