
Corner Country Wayfinding

The installation of way-finder signage (brown and white tourist signs) along the Sturt’s Steps Touring Route is an integral part of the project and intended to ensure that visitors who are unfamiliar with the area, and in particular the unsealed sections, can have some certainty that they are following the designated route.

In all, more than 100 signs have been produced with each of the locations GPS logged by representatives of Transport for NSW. Approval for the signage has been given by TASAC (Tourist Attraction Signposting Assessment Committee). The signage has been published and installation to be carried out by Transport for NSW personnel as and when they are able. Transport for NSW will be reimbursed for costs associated with installation.

In the meantime we ask that travellers who wish to do so follow the route as per a reputable paper map and heed the safety advice given here. Links to safety videos
